Sexual Violence in History: A Bibliography

compiled by Stefan Blaschke


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First published: January 31, 2015 - Last updated: December 1, 2023


Speaker: Adediran Daniel Ikuomola

Title: The Nigerian Civil War of 1967 and the Stigmatization of Children Born of Rape Victims in Edo State Nigeria

Subtitle: -

Conference: Les viols en temps de guerre: une histoire à écrire - Rape in Wartime: A History to be Written (Organizers: Raphaëlle Branche et al.) (May 11-12, 2009)

Place: Institut historique allemand, Paris, France

Date: May 2009

Language: French

Keywords: Modern History: 20th Century | African History: Nigerian History | Types: Wartime Sexual Violence / Nigerian Civil War; Victims: Indirect Victim Groups / Rape Children; Victims: Social Consequences / Stigmatization


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- Ikuomola, Adediran D. »:La stigmatisation des enfants nés de viols lors de la guerre civile du Nigéria (1967-1970).« Viols en temps de guerre. Edited by Raphaëlle Branche et al. Paris 2011: 177- . - Bibliographic Entry: Info

- Ikuomola, Adediran D. »The Nigerian Civil War of 1967 and the Stigmatisation of Children Born of Rape Victims in Edo State.« Rape in Wartime. Edited by Raphaëlle Branche et al. Basingstoke 2012: - Bibliographic Entry: Info

Wikipedia: History of Africa: History of Nigeria / Edo State | First Nigerian Republic | Pregnancy: Pregnancy from rape / War children | Sex and the law: Rape / Wartime sexual violence | War: Nigerian Civil War